COVID-19 Support: How to Deal with Anxiety and Stress

You’re already taking a big step just by reaching out for help.

Source: Kat Jayne

These are scary, schema-bending times. The grief and uncertainty is hard to process. I have days where I think I’ll resign myself to just staring at the ceiling until the end of 2020.

But there’s hope, and there’s things you can do to pull yourself out of the thick of depression and anxiety when it hits. Here’s what helps:

Find something that makes you laugh

Laugh until your dentures fall out.
Source: Edu Carvallo / Pexels

Full on belly-laughing, tears-streaming laughing. It doesn’t matter how corny or “uncultured” it is — laughter is healing, and will improve your health. Anchors messing up on live television, kitten videos, old reruns of cartoons or sitcoms. If it makes you laugh — enjoy it!

Find something to get totally engrossed in

Source: Daria Shevstova / Pexels

You don’t have to take on a whole new project that requires tons of prep (like painting or needlepoint — who has the time?) but it will help your mental health to pick up a low-maintenance hobby that distracts you, ideally for hours at a time. Crocheting is great, but so are video games, drawing and listening to podcasts. And remember — time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

Make your bed everyday

Source: Leah Kelley / Pexels

This one is so simple but it really does help curtail negative thoughts. When you make your bed, you first have to get out of it. That’s already a huge feat, especially if you’re battling depression. Secondly, if you have a clean and organized space, you subconsciously remind yourself that you deserve beautiful and nice things.


Shake it
Source: Pixabay / Pexels

Shake it off. Really. You can express grief and trauma through physical movement — so move! Dance like an idiot to a really upbeat song and feel your spirits lift.

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