Is Lookbook the Reason We Turned Out This Way?

Infamous fashion blogging platform “” was the precursor to Tumblr, and Tumblr was the precursor to how we all turned out as adults.

It was a weird time to be on the internet between the years 2010 – 2014. 

But if there’s one thing we know to be true, it’s that galaxy leggings, owls, mustache paraphernalia, and ukulele covers of pop songs done in the overly melismatic “seal”-singing style can all be traced back to one source: 

Source: lookbook

Lookbook, for the uninitiated, was (and still is, the website is, miraculously, still active) a user-generated image based website where thrifty, preternaturally stylish teens and tweens (mostly from Europe) posted style photos, long before doing it for the ‘gram was even a thing. What set the website apart from Facebook was that it was populated with photos that looked straight up *editorial* —these weren’t your straight-out-of-camera “Pr0m 2o1o <3!” photos, which were bare, unedited, and overexposed your bad hair and skin — these were high art! Or at least we thought so. These micro-fashionistas were using the burnt out, bokeh-littered filters long before Instagram hit the app store. 

Source: lookbook

The looks most prominently featured on the website were your average Tumblr fare: florals, infinity scarves, ripped stockings, and big glasses with side-swept hair and undercuts. Basically, if you looked like an extra out of a La Roux video, you were probably trending on Lookbook. 

Source: Kate Pe / lookbook

Eventually, the lita-clad teens migrated over to Tumblr, and the rest is history. 

Do you miss Lookbook? Would you rock any of these looks nowadays?

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