Reasons Why You Gained Weight Overnight (That Are Totally Normal)

Burst / Pexels

We don’t advocate having a scale in your home, because that number will seriously fuck up your whole day. Who needs that negative energy? 

If you’re feeling a little heavier, no amount of positive talk is going to make you feel better. Let’s break down what could be happening. 

1. It could be a weird moment in your cycle 

yoga weight loss woman health water retention
cottonbro / Pexels

Being a woman means your body never takes a day off. Fun, right? Water retention can happen at the 1-week mark after your period ends, and continue to fluctuate right up until you finish ovulating. 

The redistribution of weight, especially around your belly, are totally normal. Add a magnesium supplement to your rotation and do a bit of light cardio to help flush out that excess water. 

2. You ate something salty 

yoga weight loss woman health water retention
Sam Lion / Pexels

Water-weight is the culprit again. Consuming excess salt can cause a spike in water retention and bloating, which can result in feeling a little heavier. Again, it’s nothing to fret over. It will flush out of your system in a few days. 

If you’re already working on your summer bod, try to limit your excess salt intake to once or twice a week at most. 

3. You haven’t taken a sh*t yet 

yoga weight loss woman health water retention
Tim Mossholder / Pexels

Please don’t make us elaborate. 

(PS: This is especially true if you’ve recently travelled or are under stress. Throwing your body off its natural rhythm can lead to feeling a little backed up. Hence, a bit of extra weight gain. Just take a probiotic, babe.

4. You’re burning the candle at both ends 

yoga weight loss woman health water retention
Vlada Karpovich / Pexels

Are you eating enough carbs? No, really. 

If you’re working a full eight hour day, five days a week, on top of exercising, you’re likely burning way more calories than you’re taking in. (Also, we’re jealous of your willpower.)  

If your body doesn’t have enough fuel to burn, you’ll likely see a small spike in water weight. Add in some complex carbohydrates (zucchini, cauliflower, sweet potato, flax seeds) to give your body the kick it needs to sustain you.  

5. You worked out the day before 

yoga weight loss woman health water retention
Nathan Cowley / Pexels

Holy shit, you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t, right? Post-workout inflammation is real, and not only is it making you sore, but it can cause a few extra sneaky pounds to show up, too. 

Get some rest, fluids and ibuprofen into you. You’re not backsliding – you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. 

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