The Best Non-Alcoholic Drinks to Bring to the Party

Whether you’re the designated driver or you just finished your copy of Quit Like A Woman by Holly Whitaker, here’s a few samplings of non-alcoholic beverages to bring to your summer parties that won’t be a total flop.

Kin Euphorics

kin euphorics review
Kin Euphorics

Get your buzz on without booze. Kin Euphorics drinks are like a power-supplement in beverage form, chock full of stress-melting ingredients like reishii mushroom, magnesium and L-Theanine.

Tastes lovely on its own or in a fancy mocktail.

Greenhouse Juices

greenhouse juice toronto review
Greenhouse Juices

Greenhouse makes amazing lemonade concoctions in a variety of flavours. Lavender, spicy cayenne lemonade and blue raspberry are just a few of their probiotic-fuelled offerings. They’re delightfully refreshing on a summer day, and they look insanely cool, too.

Cove Kombucha

cove kombucha review
Cove Kombucha

Drinking Cove Kombucha feels like you’re having a wine cooler, but it won’t leave you with a hangover. These fizzy wonders are low in sugar, high in probiotics and much more affordable than their be-liquored counterparts.


lyres spirits review best non-alcoholic beverages

Lyre’s non-alcoholic spirits – first of all, would you look at that bottle? AMAZING. This is the better way to imbibe, without compromising on flavour, flair or style.

La Croix

la croix best flavors
La Croix

Old reliable. It comes in a million and one flavors, it has no sugar, sodium or calories and it’s refreshing as heck on a muggy summer day. Hand us a Limoncello flavored La Croix and it’s like a vacation.

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