Bite Beauty Cider Donut Swatch on Fair-Medium Skin

You probably know by now that I’m a bit of a Bite devotee. I’ve been harping on about their Amuse Bouches since January (BRING THEM BACK ALREADY!), I live for their whole “clean” vibe, I massively enjoy their bold colour collections, and hey! I wore Glace on my wedding day!

When the brand announced on September 1st that they’d be dropping a new line of lip glosses, I was kinda “mehhh” because first of all, um hello, we’ve been wearing masks for three months straight. Masks and gloss? Ew. And second of all, WHERE ARE THE LIPSTICKS? Just kidding, but I’m not much of a gloss wearer. I’m not a fan of stickiness, it usually causes my lipstick to separate, and anything that proclaims to “plump” can stay away from me, thanks.

But then I saw her face.

She so pretty.

Cider Donut looked absolutely gorgeous from the swatches. It’s advertised as a deep cocoa colour, but really I’d say it’s a warm rose. It’s quite sheer with soft pretty sparkles and looks incredibly natural.

Stare deep into my soul. Now bring me a real cider donut.

And it tastes like cinnamon! Delightful, right? Well… A drawback for some will be that this gloss is very, very sweet. It tastes like a pumpkin spice latte, which I’m not crazy about. I can definitely see myself getting tired of the taste (especially after the holidays end), which has kept me from buying more than one colour. If you take your coffee black, maybe look elsewhere.

Other than that, this gloss is beautiful, high on shine, minimal on stickiness, and doesn’t cause any irritation (unlike capiscum, which will make you feel like your face is on fire.)

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