Immunity Boosters: All The Vitamins You Need To Get You Through Flu Season

The state of your health is more important than ever. Now is not the time to let your guard down. Keeping yourself alive is no picnic during a global pandemic. Give your body a boost with these tried and true immunity boosters.

Vitafusion Multivites

multivites costco vitamins review

Taking vitamins and supplements is a drag. Swallowing pills is no fun. That’s why we swear by chewable vitamins anywhere possible. Vitafusion Multivites are available at Costco and you get enough to last you three months.

Jamieson Bee Propolis

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No one talks about Bee Propolis enough. This little supplement is a fighter, and has converted every vitamin skeptic we’ve ever met.

Bee Propolis, available at Costco, is like a forcefield against cold and flu. The second you start feeling a scratchy throat, pop a Bee Propolis before bed and you’ll be feeling fine by morning.

Vitamin d3

vitamin d3 two pack from kirkland costco

No one is getting enough Vitamin D3. No one! Especially in the winter months, the “sunshine vitamin” is in short supply, and it can wreak havoc on your health and immunity.

We literally refer to Vitamin D3 as “energy in a bottle”. Not only is it an excellent immunity booster, it will help keep you feeling awake and alert during the grey winter weather. It’s like natural caffeine. Vitamin D3 truly is a wonder product.

Youtheory Collagen

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Let’s use a metaphor. If your body is a house, collagen is the underlying structure that keeps it from falling down. It’s an essential protein that determines if your house can weather the beating of a hurricane, or if a gentle breeze is going to knock you down. Your immune system is comprised of your organs and tissues, and keeping those strong means a strong house.

Youtheory Collagen, available at Costco, contains Collagen 1, 2 and 3, lysine and Vitamin C to help maintain connective tissue formation and keep your defenses up.



Stress is one of the biggest immunosuppressants. All of your vitamins and supplements are as good as garbage if you aren’t taking the time to relax and chill for a few hours a night.

Get a head start with natural stress reducers, L-Theanine. For an extra good night of sleep, add some L-Theanine and GABA to your nighttime ritual with OLLY Goodbye Stress gummies.

Webber Naturals Magnesium Citrate


Another natural muscle relaxer, Magnesium is excellent for headaches and muscle soreness, as well as building connective tissues that keep your immune system strong.

Other Wellness Goodies:

Saje Diffuser

saje aroma om wellness diffuser review

We can’t stop singing the praises of the Saje Wellness Diffuser. If you have sinus issues, you need to get your hands on a diffuser this winter season. Keeping your nasal passages moist helps to flush bacteria and phlegm from your system, ensuring that viruses aren’t just lingering around up there.

And it just looks darn pretty.

HydraSense Daily Nasal Care Medium Stream

hydrasense nasal spray review

HydraSense Daily Nasal Care is a saline flush that feels like a warm jacuzzi for your nose. To this day, it’s the one product that we shove down everyone’s throat, because it just freaking works. Seriously!

It’s so relaxing and invigorating to flush out a day’s worth of dirt and allergens. Facial pain and sinus congestion? Sorry, I don’t know her.

HydraSense eye drops

hydrasense eye drops review

Your eyes are mucus membranes! Stop rubbing them!!!! Instead, pick up these HydraSense eye drops to help with any dryness or irritation that comes with staring at your screen for 16 hours a day. (No judgement, here.)

Herbion Chest Rub

herbion chest rub review

Migraines suck, but holistic treatments that do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING suck even more. But gather round, skeptics, for we’ve found the one homeopathic solution to all our ache-y woes: peppermint and eucalyptus oil. Yep!

Rubbing some of this Herbion chest rub on your palms and taking a deep whiff is like a massage for the brain. We can’t explain why it works. We just know the mint smell is so soothing and relaxing, while the menthol does a one-two uppercut on our head pain.

Kiehl’s Ultimate Strength Hand Salve

kiehls hand salve review

All this hand-washing we’re doing lately is making things mighty dry. If your hands are cracking from over-washing, you could be inviting even more infections into your blood stream.

The Kiehl’s Hand Salve is pricy, but you get what you pay for. It’s absorbent and nourishing and smells IMPORTANT. We love it.

Ricola Icy Menthol

ricola icy menthol review cold and flu best lozenges for sore throat

A winter staple. Enough said.*

(*Don’t drink cold water after. Don’t even look at a cup of water.)

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